News from China 22 year-old raped and thrown out of the window? Police: is suicide. Mass protests


Hundreds of people Demonstrate in Beijing. They accuse the police of unfair conduct an investigation into the death of 22year-old clothing store employees. The woman had to be gang raped by guards and thrown out the window. The police Maintain claims: That it was a suicide.
22year-old came out May 3 from the window on the sixth floor of the mall Jingwen Beijing. Police Determined inform that she committed suicide, but the woman’s relatives to not believe in this story. Their distrust raises especially the fact That the officers did not want to show the family of the deceased recordings from monitoring or other evidence in the case. There have been rumors That the 22year-old was raped by seven bodyguards store where she worked, and then pushed out of the window. Hundreds of people believe that the police are covering up the matter, came out to protest on the streets of Beijing.

Witnesses: Police beat protesters

The demonstrators began to gather in the morning at the center Jingwen. According to the different relationships they had gathered together from several hundred to 10,000. Most of the protesters are workers from Anhui province, of which the deceased was from a girl. On-site police appeared, paramilitary forces and helicopters. According to witnesses, officers are brutal, beating protesters and dragged them into vans. The march blocked traffic in the Fengtai District, road traffic jams stretching for miles.

Reports of protests censorship on the Internet

Residents of Beijing summarize statements and pictures of the protests on the social networking site Sina Weibo, but their entries are removed by censors. The Chinese search engine Baidu password Jingwen” has been blocked. The flow of information about the demonstrations, however, failed completely lock to reach the western media photographs and video from the streets of Beijing.


Real Report from Falun Gong


Women practicing Falun Gong, telling scary stories associated with physical and sexual suffering which experienced while in custody. They were raped with sticks of brooms or with electric batons, causing heavy bleeding genitals. Their breasts pierced with barbed wire and were subjected to rape group.
You say that you practice tolerance? See if you like rape, you will still be able to tolerate it Prison Guard
The famous Chinese lawyer, dealing with human rights Gao Zhisheng, continuing the investigation into the persecution of Falun Gong, says: Of the cases of incredible brutality, appalling acts that most touched my soul, it’s vulgar and routinely carried out torture on women’s genitalia by the police and the office people 6-10.
The sexual organs and breasts almost every woman and every man’s genitals were targets of sexual torture in the most barbaric way ‘Gao wrote in December 2005. in an open letter to representatives of the Communist Party.

Report of the United Nations in October 2000., In the chapter on violence against women, describes a case in which 18 women who were Falun Gong practitioners were undressed, naked and thrown to the men who were detained target criminals. (U.N. document number E/CN.e/2001/73/Dod.1). The report also states: electric batons are often used for the purpose of destruction breasts and genitals, against women Falun Gong practitioners.”

May 4, 2001, after 21, Falun Gong practitioner alone along the street handing out leaflets Dabeiyao in Yonganli, Chaoyang District. He stopped the policeman on duty in civilian clothes, who patrolled the city. Under the guise of searching, brutally grabbed her lower body. After breaking free, began to run down the street. The policeman chased her bike, furiously hitting a rubber truncheon. He said: “My boss said not to let go of any practitioner of Falun Gong. I’ll kill you today and throw your body into the channel or take to the police station. ”
She tried to escape, but to no avail. The policeman tortured her for over an hour to the brink of death. Incident was watched by about a dozen passers-by. He shouted to them: “She is a Falun Gong practitioner. It is an active kontrrewolucjonistką. It will not matter if I’ll beat her to death. All who pass by quickly dispersed.

As a result of blows fell out her two front teeth. Policeman beating her in a brutal manner, asked her many wounds on his head, and the left half of the body swell, and she was bruised.
The policeman hit her with full force blow to the right ear and temple. Then I lost consciousness. After that dragged her under the bridge and jumped out of her underwear. He raped her. Then with all his strength pushed the rubber truncheon in the vagina and sat on it. When I regained consciousness, and practicing some strength, she screamed as loud as she could, then abandoned it and the policeman went away on a bicycle.
The prison guard raped 28-year-old university student
One of the most famous is the case of rape Ms. Wei Xingyan, a graduate of the University of Chongqing. Evening, May 13, 2003, has been arrested for possession of balloons and banners, with information about Falun Gong.
The policeman ordered the two prisoners, stripping her naked. Then knocked her to the floor and raped her in front of them.
When information about the case has been disclosed outside of China, the university and the local authorities zataiły her identity, denying that someone even existed. Her current whereabouts are unknown.

Men are also not free from such abuses. For example, a 32-year-old Chu Hui was tortured from 21 to 8 in the morning, through beatings and electric shocks rods, which are used for killing cattle. The perpetrators razili all parts of his body, including the insertion of cables in the anus. Mr. Chu has repeatedly lost consciousness during the torture (Full report).
* 32-year-old Ms. Zhu Xia, sometimes crying, laughing, often hits the doors and windows running in madness. Soaked, has frequent hallucinations and struggles constantly, of invisible enemies. At night, waving his hands around her head defensively and shouting: Do you want to rape me?”
* The case of a woman who, after a severe beating, and express one shock pubic area, died after three days of detention.
* The case of a woman hung from the ceiling and raped with sticks to force the “transformation”
* The Falun Dafa Information Center: Women – prisoners of conscience (download). The report contains photographs and other available information, the treatment of serious cases of women who practiced Falun Gong.



Violation of human rights in China


One of the leading Chinese dissident Harry Wu has so China’s political system, as a one-party dictatorship that public support for socialist revolution wins on the road harassment, torture and imprisonment in labor camps enemies of the system, which helps the powerful and rapidly acting police apparatus, and the army and the courts, which, of course, in the service of the regime. 
However, the most significant role in the Chinese system of play, according to Wu, the founder of the organization of the Laogai Research Foundation, labor camps, which are modeled on Soviet labor camps serve as a place of concentration of individuals threatening the communist revolution, where you are supposed to be “reeducated” through work and after completing his sentence, return to the bosom of Chinese society as a die-hard supporters of revolutionary change. As we can guess a lot of people there do not come back. It is worth mentioning in particular the fact that China’s rise to become a citizen arrest repeatedly denounced the most ordinary, especially when an informer is a person connected with the party. Arrested a man in this way years are kept in captivity without proving his guilt and sentencing by the court. There are also time trials in China, but rather they are merely a spectacle created for both intra-communist propaganda, and foreign policy, as the Chinese authorities are very concerned to maintain good economic relations with the West. When I mentioned about the labor camps, it must also be noted that serving a sentence are forced to work requiring a huge physical effort, which is not connected to the appropriate in this case, feeding a prisoner who receives only starvation rations. For this reason, as a result of hard work, exhaustion and malnutrition, in laogai thousands of people are dying. Of course, to “re-education” methods, in addition to labor and starvation, you need to include the mistreatment of prisoners, beating them and torturing and finally killing, even if administered by injection as a prisoner of the drug. However, the ill-treatment of prisoners does not mean that it relates primarily men imprisoned in China for many women and children, which is quite a lot worse than the fate of the representatives of the male gender. Women – physically weaker and softer than men are forced there to perform the same work as men. There are also beaten and tortured, and the most common practice of abusers are just rape. Prisoners are therefore collectively raped by guards or prisoners serving criminal responsibilities in laogai so-called trusties. What’s most outrageous is the fact that the laogai ties are also children who also can not expect better treatment there. Most children detained in labor camps died after a short period of starvation and disease, and there are also situations where the children are there just murdered. Although Chinese law allows punish children who have already completed their fourteenth year, in practice, this provision does not mean anything, because minors under fourteen years of age will also find links without trial.

Another controversy is the death penalty, which is in China very often judged, and performed a similar frequency. According to many sources (including Amnesty International) in China alone takes up more than sixty percent of all death sentences, although some figures are as high as ninety-five percent. How can we expect the number of executions is covered by state secrecy. sentenced to death in China for many completely different from one another crime; by shooting or injection of poison killed both serial killers or terrorists (often citizens expressing themselves in a way unflattering about the communist regime), as well as people who have committed much lighter within the meaning of European crime, not to say “offense”. Gambling, pornography, theft of state property, smuggling is because the reasons for which people are sentenced to death. Not to mention the fact that in China even kill a cow or a tiger can pay with their lives. And yes, sentenced to death are here annihilation display to the public, which reads the number of crimes committed by each of them. Then exported their trucks to the place of execution – often stadiums – and the front of the crowd (including women and small children) killed shot in the back of the head or in the back. And despite the fact that the Communist authorities have banned the furnishing of such shows because of the criticism they elicit in international environments, to this day in China, similar situations occur frequently.

Of course, examples of human rights violations in China, can provide much more, not to say that you can multiply them indefinitely. Yet it is impossible to describe in detail such a vast problem. It should however be mentioned again that China has been used for years the persecution of Tibetans. Set fire to the monasteries, beating and killing Buddhist monks with the army. In China, we also have to do with dealings regulate the population, which allows couples to raise only one child, and having more children leads to restrictions by the authorities. For this reason, Chinese women are often forced to have an abortion, and it happens that babies are murdered there. As you can see, human rights violations in China is so widespread that it is impossible to list here all aspects of the problem.  Although the Chinese government in terms of controlling the population. Many of the statistics is especially falsified.

The Chinese Constitution and the Case of Falun Gong



Many have heard about human rights violations in China, mainly thanks to the reports of Falun Gong members, but the truth is that the media does not want to talk about these things. We hear about the rape of women in India, Tunis, Mexico, Ukraine and even Russia, but very little is spoken about China. Meanwhile, the situation of women and men is very tragic. Each individual human thinking is busier subjected to torture. A common phenomenon is that the Communist Party of China (CPC) to reject the allegations against violations of human rights issues, using the argument that the criticism directed at them, unfairly judge the foreign policy of China, according to the european standards. While this argument itself is questionable, it is particularly illogical in connection with the case of Falun Gong. This is because during the persecution of the group, the CCP has not only breached international obligations, but in addition systematically violates Chinese law. At first I would like to introduce everyone what rights have the Chinese citizens, which are legally guaranteed by the Chinese Constitution.

Violation of Freedom of Religion:
Article 36: (1) Citizens of the People’s Republic of China enjoy freedom of religious belief. (2) No state organ, public organization, or individual may compel citizens to … not to believe in, any religion; nor may they discriminate against citizens who believe in … any religion. (3) The state protects normal religious activities.

Since, as far as legal definitions are concerned, Falun Gong is a religious and spiritual practice, depriving people in China of the right to practice it by definition violates their freedom of religion. The measures taken to wipe out Falun Gong, including torture  and “re-education” sessions, have aimed at forcing adherents to renounce their belief in Falun Gong’s teachings and reject its core principles of truthfulness, compassion, and forbearance

Violations of the Freedom of Expression:

Article 35: Citizens of the People’s Republic of China enjoy freedom of speech, of the press, of assembly, of association, of procession and of demonstration.

Even before Falun Gong was officially banned in July 1999, the CCP had begun encroaching upon these freedoms. Starting in 1996, top Party officials prohibited the publication of Falun Gong books, manipulated state-run media to print anti-Falun Gong articles, and in the spring of 1999, used fire hoses to break up group meditation sessions in parks.

Following the ban, violations of these rights have exacerbated and include arresting adherents for practicing Falun Gong exercises in a public park or raising a banner on Tiananmen Square. At it’s peak, in March 2002 the regime ordered any Falun Gong caught distributing information about the persecution shot “on sight” (article).

Attacks on Personal Dignity:

Article 37: The personal dignity of citizens of the People’s Republic of China is inviolable. Insult, libel, false charge, or frame-up directed against citizens by any means is prohibited.

The CCP has fabricated and disseminated hate propaganda, in particular through its massive state-run media, demonizing Falun Gong and inciting hatred against the Falun Gong in order to justify its persecution (about).

Violations of the Right to Petition:

Article 41: (1) Citizens of the P.R.C. have the right to criticize and make suggestions to any state organ or functionary. Citizens have the right to make to relevant state organs complaints and charges against, or exposures of, any state organ or functionary for violation of the law or dereliction of duty … (2) The state organ concerned must deal with complaints, charges, or exposures made by citizens in a responsible manner after ascertaining the facts. No one may suppress such complaints, charges, or exposure, or retaliate against the citizens making them. (3) Citizens who have suffered losses through infringement of their civic rights by any state organ or functionary have the right to compensation in accordance with the law.

Since Chinese citizens have a constitutionally guaranteed right to lodge complaints against state organs, shortly after the banning of Falun Gong, adherents turned up at official petition (shangfang) offices throughout the country. Since the media would not report positively on Falun Gong and lawyers were barred from defending the Falun Gong, many Chinese saw petitioning as a faultless act that is in accordance with the law and good citizenship.

Petition offices nationwide, however, quickly turned into detention centers; as soon as they submitted their petition, the Falun Gong were systematically arrested. Those who mailed their letters or raised banners on Tiananmen Square have also been detained and sentenced to labor camps and prisons.

Violations of the Right to Work:

Article 42: (1) Citizens of the P.R.C. have the right … to work.

Countless Chinese have been refused jobs and promotions, fired, or demoted because they choose to practice and support Falun Gong (related articles). Lawyers representing Falun Gong victims of arbitrary detention and torture have been disbarred.

Violations of the Right to Education:

Article 46: (1) Citizens of the P.R.C. have the … right to receive education. (2) The state promotes the all-round moral, intellectual, and physical development of children and young people.

Many children have been expelled from school and students from university because they practice Falun Gong, their parents practice Falun Gong, or they refuse to openly denounce Falun Gong as required by the P.R.C’s Ministry of Education.

Attack on the Family and Violence against Women:

Article 49: (1) Marriage, the family, and mother and child are protected by the state. … (4) Violation of the freedom of marriage is prohibited. Maltreatment of old people, women, and children is prohibited.

Due to the tremendous pressure by the CCP on the Falun Gong and their loved ones, many families have been torn apart. Law enforcement personnel have arrested parents who practice Falun Gong, leaving the children and elderly to fend for themselves, and partners have been forced to divorce their spouses who practice Falun Gong (about).

Women who practice Falun Gong have been subjected to various forms of sexual torture (about). Pregnant women have been forced to undergo abortions, and nursing mothers have been torn away from their children.

Violations against the Elderly:

Article 49: (4) Maltreatment of old people … is prohibited.

Many elderly people practice Falun Gong in China, but they have not been spared from unlawful detention and mortal torture (article).
Violations of China’s Criminal Law

China’s police law and criminal code prohibit the abuse of detainees and criminalize torture and ill-treatment of prisoners. Nevertheless, in the persecution of the Falun Gong, police, prison and labor camp authorities have systematically tortured and abused Falun Gong detainees or forced other prisoners to do so. Recent evidence of organ harvesting indicates that thousands practitioners in custody have also been methodically killed. To date, however, no Chinese official has been investigated or punished.

Article 22 of the Police Law

“People’s police must not have any of the following behaviors:
. . .  (4) interrogate suspects forcefully with penalty, abuse or penalize suspects;
. . . (5) unlawfully deprive personal freedom of others, unlawfully cross-examine other person’s body, belongings, residence or other place;
. . .  (7) beat other people or incite others to beat the third party.

Section 247 of the 1997 Criminal Law of the PRC

“Judicial workers who extort a confession from criminal suspects or defendants by torture or who use force to extract testimony from witnesses, are to be sentenced to three years or fewer in prison or put under criminal detention.”

Article 248

Article 248 of the Criminal Code criminalizes the use of violence by law enforcement officers against detainees. In an affidavit to a U.S. court, Professor Robert Berring from the University of California School of Law at Boalt Hall explained the content of the article as follows (article):

“Article 248 of the Criminal Law of 1997 makes it a criminal offense for any ‘supervisory or management personnel’ in a custody or supervision institution like a prison, a detention house, or a custody house, to ‘beat or physically abuse their inmates.’”

By Gao Zhisheng
Special to The EpochTimes

Falun Gong

Falun Gong

Falun Gong or Falun Dafa (literally means “Dharma Wheel Practice” or “Law Wheel Practice”) is a spiritual discipline first introduced in China in 1992 through public lectures by Mr. Li Hongzhi.
Falun Dafa (also called Falun Gong) is an advanced self-cultivation practice of the Buddha School. It is a discipline in which “assimilation to the highest qualities of the universe—Zhen, Shan, Ren (Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance)—is the foundation of practice. Practice is guided by these supreme qualities, and based on the very laws which underlie the development of the cosmos.”
Master Li’s teachings are set forth in a number of texts, among which are included Falun Gong, Zhuan Falun, The Great Perfection Way of Falun Dafa, Essentials for Further Advancement, and Hong Yin (The Grand Verses). These and other works have been translated into thirty-eight languages, and are published and distributed worldwide.
The focus of Falun Dafa practice is the mind, with the cultivation of one’s mind and thoughts, or “Xinxing,” being singled out as the key to increasing Gong energy. The height of a person’s Gong is directly proportionate to that of his Xinxing. The concept of “Xinxing” encompasses the transformation of virtue (a white form of matter) and karma (a black form of matter). It also includes forbearance, discernment, and abandonment—that is, forsaking ordinary human desires and attachments, and managing to endure the most trying of ordeals. Much is encompassed by the concept.
Falun Dafa also includes the cultivation of the body, which is accomplished by performing specific exercises. One purpose of the exercises is to strengthen the practitioner’s supernatural abilities and energy mechanisms by means of his or her powerful Gong force. Another purpose is to develop many living entities in the practitioners body. In advanced practice, the Immortal Infant will come into being and many abilities will be developed. The exercises of Falun Dafa are necessary for the transformation and cultivation of such things. A comprehensive mind-body cultivation system such as this requires both self-cultivation and physical exercises, with cultivation taking priority over exercises. A person’s Gong simply will not increase if he or she merely does exercises while failing to cultivate Xinxing. The exercises are thus a supplemental means to achieving spiritual perfection.
Falun Dafa involves the cultivation of a Falun, or “law wheel.” The Falun is an intelligent, rotating entity composed of high-energy matter. The Falun that Master Li Hongzhi plants in a practitioner’s lower abdomen from other dimensions rotates constantly, twenty-four hours a day. (True cultivators can acquire a Falun by reading Master Li’s books, watching his 9-session lectures on video, listening to his 9-session lectures on audiocassette, or studying together with students of Falun Dafa.) The Falun helps practitioners to practice automatically. That is, the Falun refines the practitioner at all times, even though he or she isn’t performing the exercises at every moment. Of all practices made public in the world today, only Falun Dafa has managed to achieve a state in which, “the Fa refines the person.”
The rotating Falun has the same qualities as the universe, and is the universe’s miniature. The Buddhist Falun, the Daoist Yin-Yang, and everything of the Ten-Directional World are reflected in the Falun. The Falun provides salvation to the practitioner when it rotates inward (clockwise), since it absorbs a great amount of energy from the universe and transforms it into Gong energy. The Falun provides salvation to others when rotating outward (counter-clockwise), for it releases energy that can save any being and rectify any abnormal condition. Being in the presence of someone who practices thus benefits a person.
Falun Dafa “brings a person to a state of wisdom and harmonious existence. The movements of the practice are concise, as a great way is extremely simple and easy.” Falun Dafa is unique in eight ways:
1. A Falun is cultivated, rather than an energy elixir.
2. The Falun refines the person even when he or she is not doing the practice’s exercises.
3. One’s primary consciousness is cultivated, such that it is the person him or herself who obtains Gong energy.
4. Both mind and body are cultivated.
5. The practice consists of five exercises, which are simple and easy to learn.
6. The mind is not used to direct anything, there are no associated risks, and Gong energy increases quickly.
7. Location, time, and direction are not of concern when exercising, nor is how one concludes one’s exercise session.
8. Protection is provided by the master’s Fashen, so one needn’t fear harm from malevolent entities.
The teachings of Falun Dafa are thus completely unlike those of conventional practice methods or those that are based on the development of an internal elixir, or Dan.
Falun Dafa practice begins at a high plane right from the outset, thus providing the most expedient, fast, ideal, and precious means of practice for those with a predestined connection or who have been practicing for years using other means but failed to develop Gong.
When a practitioners Xinxing and the strength of his Gong reach a certain height, he or she can attain an imperishable, adamantine body while still in the secular world. A person can also achieve the “unlocking of Gong,” enlightenment, and ascension of the whole person to higher planes. Those with great determination should study this upright teaching, strive to achieve their ultimate rank, elevate their Xinxing, and forsake their attachments. Only then is spiritual perfection.

Sources: text come from from official web side Falum Gong.